


Angel & Faith Season 9 Library Edition Vol 3

Script by Christos Gage, art by Rebekah Isaacs. All illustrations are ©20th Century Fox. For a complete list of  all books reviewed in this blog, please visit the index page.


Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Library Edition Vol 3

Script and art: see table of content below. All illustrations are ©Joss Whedon/20th Century Fox. For a complete list of  all books reviewed in this blog, please visit the index page.

Steve Morris cover


Aliens Absolution French Limited RAW B&W and Collector Editions

Pour consulter cet article en français, c'est ici. For a complete list of  all books reviewed in this blog, please visit the index page.

Script Dave Gibbons, art Mike Mignola et Kevin Nowlan (inks). All illustrations are ©Twentieth Century Fox.

left hand side the "collector" edition, right hand side, "RAW" edition


Aliens Absolution Éditions Limitées RAW N&B et Collector

To see this article in English, go here. Pour une liste complète des livres passés en revue dans ce blog consulter l'index.

Scénario Dave Gibbons, dessins Mike Mignola et Kevin Nowlan. Toutes les illustrations de cet article sont ©Twentieth Century Fox.

à gauche l'édition "collector", à droite l'édition "RAW" N&B