

Where to buy these heavy expensive comics?

If we are talking about out of stock/print book, I usually find them on Ebay, and I usually wait patiently that one arises at a descent starting price. For a European guy like myself, the trick sometimes is to try searching directly from other countries site (.com,, .fr, .de etc..).

For new and forthcoming book, as I live in Europe (France), actually the best places to buy these beautiful AND fragile books are in my opinion the Forbidden Planet store Forbidden, as well as (a Netherlands based company). Prices are sometimes a bit higher than Amazon but these stores know how to do a proper packaging for these kind of unusual books (in term of size and weight). Of course the customer service of amazon (.com, .fr or else) is unbeatable, but it doesn't guarantee that the replaced order will have a better packaging than the previous one (I speak from experience). And as FP and Archonia sites are based in Europe, you won't have to deal with additional custom fees.

Books prices are more attractive at, but shipping costs are much lower at (they use the Kiala network) so all in all, you will end up paying the same total amount.

There are some pictures of how Amazon and FP handles packaging on this French forum topics:
- Artist Edition (page 12)
- Belles éditions VO (pages 6 and 7)
- Amazon se fiche du monde? (pages 18)

Now, some low print variant/signed/remarqued editions are often not available for pre-order or order through the distributors listed above.
For the time being, IDW Artist's Editions (or IDW limited) as well as Graphitti Designs Gallery Editions variant/signed/remarqued editions are only available through their respective web stores (IDW web store, IDW LimitedGraphitti Designs web store), and thus at full cover price.
It seems that Dark Horse signed Curator's/Gallery Editions are available through the distributors listed above (with their respective discount).

In USA and Canada, I think that many serious collectors rely on InStockTrade (aka IST), Cheap Graphic Novels (aka CGN), or Tales of Wonder (aka TOW). I haven't tried them myself but they have good reputation in term of price and packaging quality.

For general purpose on omnibus, deluxe hardcover etc.. (where to buy, what is what) don't hesitate to check these invaluable threads on CBR board about Collected Edition:
- an introduction to collected editions
- general omnibus and hardcover discussion (the first page has updated information)

And specifically for Artist's Editions type books, and can't recommend enough these three links
- Comic Book Daily's Artist's Editions exhaustive index (check out also the site itself, it's excellent!)
- Artist's Editions discussion thread on MarvelMasterWorksFanSite
- pour les lecteurs français, le fil de discussion dédié sur le forum BDGest


  1. Hello!

    I'm french.What is your opinion about the last GASTON n°15 vo FAC SIMILES, please? I'm hesitating with some because i'm searching the most Gaston with the most drawings , fac similés Inside?Thank you for your answer.Best Hervé

    1. Bonjour, et merci de votre intérêt. Je ne suis pas sûr de bien comprendre la question. Cette collection vo est celle qui propose le maximum de matériel pour chaque période (le Gaston 15 est décrit en détail sur mon blog), avec le maximum de reproductions en fac similés. La collection kiosque actuelle en beaucoup plus petit format (néanmoins agrandie par rapport à un album normal) propose une alternative intéressante à moindre coût (10 fois moins cher), mais je ne sais pas si tous le matériel des versions VO y est ou y sera repris.

  2. Hello,
    I am a US resident and I am in desperate need of finding a very specific print version of the Watchmen graphic novel. I borrowed someones and it literally disappeared. I cant seem to be able to find the exact version they had since I would like to replace it with the same one. It was all black leather hardcover, had "Watchmen" written on the side, had golden tint in the outside of the pages and had a golden clock on the front cover. Not sure what the slip cover looks like because when I borrowed it it was without it. If you have any information as to where I can find this book, or any information on the edition I might be looking for would help me greatly. Thank you so much and I hope I hear back from you.

    1. Hello. I guess you have already check the Watchmen editions on my site, the Graphitti Designs edition being the closest to your description (although different). Do you remember if the book had a regular size or the size of an Absolute Edition?

  3. Have you tried amazon? They might have a better price.

    1. Hello, the topic is adressed in this very article


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