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Alan Moore's The Courtyard B&W Deluxe Hardcover Set

Script Alan Moore (adapted by Antony Johnston), art by Jacen Burrows. All material is ©Alan Moore. For a complete list of all books reviewed in this blog, please visit the index page.


Articles Update July 2016

The article regarding the signed hardcover editions of Alan Moore's Light of Thy Countenance, and Neonomicon (that includes The Courtyard) has been split in two separates articles. Originally I had chose this "one article two books" configuration because the article about Light of Thy Countenance was very, very short. But on one hand, it will be the case for other Avatar limited signed hardcover that I will write about (Crossed +100 Vol 1 for instance), and on the other hand, Light of Thy Countenance is not part of Moore's take on Lovecraft universe (i.e. The Courtyard/Neonomicon/Providence).

Shortly, I will upload an article about Alan Moore's The Courtyard B&W Deluxe Hardcover Set.


Astérix Aux Jeux Olympiques Version Luxe Grand Format

Scénario René Goscinny, dessins Albert Uderzo (pour la partie couleur nous avons affaire à la nouvelle colorisation). Toutes les illustrations sont ©Goscinny/Uderzo et Hachette. Pour une liste complète des livres passés en revue dans ce blog consulter l'index.