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Judge Dredd The Daily Dredds Vol 1 1981-1986 Exclusive 2000 AD Bookplate Edition

Script by John Wagner & Alan Grant and Richard Burton (first strip adaptation), art by Ron Smith (most majority of the strips), Ian Gibson (14 Saturday strips), Mick McMahon (first Saturday strip), John Higgins (1 Saturday strip), Steve Dillon (1 Saturday strip) and Brent Ewins (1 Saturday  strip). All material presented here is ©Rebellion A/S.

Published by Rebellion in November 2014 (ISBN 978-1-78108-264-5, 8 x 11.2 inches or 20 x 28.5 cm, 350 numbered pages, 35£) this hardcover book uses a format "à l'italienne" to fit the original newspaper strips. This edition was limited to 250 copies and could only been purchased through 2000 AD online web shop. It was advertised as featuring "a numbered bookplate, and a special Ron Smith Judge Dredd art print", but to better described it, it features a numbered Ron Smith bookplate/art print (mine is #201) and an additional numbered sticker on one of the opening pages (that is not what I would called a bookplate myself but English is not my mother tongue). Note that in fact, the sticker has been put on the regular edition of this book that shares the same ISBN.

The book is printing on thick glossy paper. Second and third of cover use the same illustration. One of the pictures below is for size comparison with volume 3 of Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files, and the other one is a zoom of the binding (very nice quality stuff here).

This first volume, designed by Simon Parr and Sam Greton, is introduced by Keith Richardson (editor of the book) and Richard Burton (original commissioning editor), and features a comprehensive two pages index of the dated strips.

Original material (all in B&W) originates from the Daily Star newspaper. All of the Saturday stories (two strips per Saturday) are collected here, along with the first two weekday strips from 1986 (one strip per day) and three miscellaneous strips. Each page displays title, credits and eventual reprint references. Impressive ant work here, congrats!

Ron Smith is the artist on a vast majority of the strips, on the left the first strip is drawn by Mike McMahon

Ian Gibson's art

Ron Smith's art

there was only one strip per day for the weekday strips

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