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The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol 1 Absolute Edition

Script by Alan Moore, art by Kevin O'Neill with Ben Dimagmaliw and William Oakley. All illustrations are ©Moore and O'Neill.

This somptuous oversized slipcase (8.5 x 12.8 inches, 21.5 x 32.5 cm) designed by Todd Klein was published in 2003 by Wildstorm (ISBN: 1-4012-0052-4, cover price 75$) and features two faux leather with dust jackets books: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Volume one (192 pages) and Scripts (225 pages). It is printed on glossy thin paper (perhaps too thin though).

First book: I think there is a great amount of exclusive illustrations drawn for this edition by Kevin O'Neill, but since I don't own all the previous paperbacks I can't be sure if all the things I point out here as such are really new material.

This first book begins with some exclusive illustrations and an introduction written by S. Smiles, editor (Scott Dunbier?). The first and sixth citation on the back of every original comics are the only one to be reprinted here (and practically none of the vintage advert pages).

The bonus section begin with the "Allan and the Sundered Veil" short practically as it previously appears in the original comics. It also displays a extensive cover gallery of the original comics and the bumper compendion edition. Other bonuses were previously published in America's Best Comics 64 pages Special.

Second book, the scripts:

Obviously this second book contains Alan Moore's scripts for this first series, but it also features numerous Kevin O'Neill's layouts (and along the scripts pages in transparency, the finished artwork before colourization).

This edition concludes by a 5 pages afterword by Kevin O'Neill followed by a selection of some pencil layouts:

The collected LOEG absolute so far:

Link to absolute Vol 2
Link to absolute Black Dossier


  1. Do these absolute editions contain the original english of the arabic and chinese parts?

  2. You can say of the vol III and IV and the Nemo trilogy have prints like this?

    1. Hi, no only these three were the only one to get that oversize treatment

  3. How is the binding on the first two league absolutes?


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