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From Hell Graphitti Designs Limited Signed Edition

Script Alan Moore and art by Eddie Campbell.

Canvas hardcover book (7.9 x 10.2 inches, 20 x 26 cm, ISBN: 0-936211-57-1, $95) printed on high quality mat paper.

picture on ebay from gods3rdeye seller (sticker on the plastic shrink wrap)

This book is the limited signed hardcover edition of 1000 published in December 1999 by Graphitti Designs (mine is #936/1000). It begins with an exclusive illustration signed by both the artist. Note that all the pages (circa 575) are individually numbered by the hand of Eddie Campbell (but reproduced as such of course). All the introduction pages from the original comics are reprinted here.

Notice that a Painfully limited edition of this book was produced by Eddie Campbell in 2002. From ChrisMcLaren' blog: "only 19 copies of this edition exist, each one created personally by Campbell. The book comes in a clothbound clamshell case with a black kangaroo leather cover and an original color painting by Campbell inside the front cover".

Here is the exact content of my "regular" limited edition of the book:
- the prologue,
- the fourteenth chapters,
- the epilogue,
- maps of London,
- the Appendix,
- "Dance of the gull catchers" as Appendix II.

You will find more other pictures on Comicstrade here.


  1. I realize this is a late comment, but the printing looks a bit faded (particularly the solid blacks). What is the overall quality like? I'm just asking as I was considering buying a copy. THanks

    1. Hi, indeed comparing with the original comics the blacks and solid blacks are a bit faded. It has probably a lot to do with the fact that original comics were printed on glossy paper and this book is printed on mat paper. I own also the French trade paperback edition printed on mat paper, and the rendering is the same as this graphitti designs edition.

  2. How does it compare to the current Top Shelf edition in terms of reproduction of the art?

  3. I don't own this edition nor have the possibility to consult one in a library or bookshop where I live. Sorry


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