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Judge Dredd Complete Case Files 01 10th Anniversary Hardcover Exclusive 2000 AD Bookplate Edition

Credits are fully detailed in a picture below. All illustrations are ©Rebellion A/S. For a complete list of all books reviewed in this blog, please visit the index page.

notice that the special edition advert is not a sticker but it is printed on the cover

Published by Rebellion in August 2015 (ISBN 978-1-78108-332-1, 11.2 x 8.3 inches or 28.5 x 21.5 cm, 336 pages, £40) this hardcover edition was limited to 250 copies and could/can only been purchased through 2000 AD online web shop. It was advertised as featuring "a numbered bookplate, signed by Carlos Ezquerra, and a specially commissioned Judge Dredd art print by Ezquerra (numbered only) in the style Dredd circa 1977.", but to better described it, it features a numbered Carlos Ezquerra bookplate/art print (mine is #90) and an additional numbered and signed sticker featuring the same illustration on the second of cover (that is not what I would call a bookplate myself but English is not my mother tongue). Note that in fact, the sticker has been put on the regular edition of this book as they share the same ISBN.

the art print/bookplate

signed second of cover

zoom on the signed and numbered sticker "bookplate"
The book is printing on thick glossy paper. Second and third of cover use the same illustration. One of the pictures below is for size comparison with the regular softcover version of Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files 01 published ten years ago (mine is the 2006 third printing), and another one is a zoom of the binding (very nice quality stuff here). The book has been slightly redesigned from the original edition by Simon Parr and Sam Gretton. Full credits (scripts and art) are also displayed below.

third of cover

writers and artists credits

sewn binding

This anniversary edition features the exact same content story wise than the original one (i.e. Judge Dredd material published in 2000 AD #2-60), but in oversized HC form and printed on glossy paper instead of a mat yellowing quality paper. In addition, this new edition features original coloured pages and spreads in colour which was not the case in the 2005 edition.

left the 2005 edition, right the anniversary edition slightly oversized with plain white pages

in the 2005 edition Rebellion have used cleaned B&W pages instead of original coloured pages
 The following pictures concern only the anniversary edition.

art by Carlos Ezquerra

these small adverts are exclusive to this edition

Art by Ian Gibson

Brian Bolland art in colour

Mike McMahon art

again Brian Bolland ..

..and in B&W now

Brian Bolland spread

Mike McMahon

The extra section is also similar to the original edition content wise (Pat Mills' The First Dredd original unpublished strip illustrated by Carlos Ezquerra, Walter The Wobot strips and prog covers), but again in this new edition original coloured material is printed in colour.

the iconic Megacity 1

Notice that the 2005 edition only featured 3 covers from 2000 AD #10, 44 and 59. In this new edition there are two additional covers from 2000 AD #5 and 18. The book ends with authors and artists short bios.

left hand-side additional cover

a Kevin O'Neill treat


  1. Hey, I hope you reply to comments. I'm interested in reading Judge Dredd and am wondering which version come with colour, I want to begin with either 01 or 05 but from the looks of your pictures only the anniversary edition comes with colour, and case files 05 does not have an anniversary edition.

    What books would I need to purchase to get the colour stories, thanks!

    1. Hi, yes I confirm that only the Anniversary edition of the complete case files comes with some colored spreads. And Rebellion doesn't plan to re-do all the beginning of the collection that way. The recent Cursed Earth Uncensored reprint (described here and in this blog soon), has been treated the same way (it is part of the Complete Case file #2). At some point, Judge Dredd has been published in colour in 2000 AD so the latest Complete Case Files are also published in full colour but I don't know from which volume it starts that way in the collection.
      Hope it will be of some help.

    2. ... around volume #11 it seems


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