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Y The Last Man Vol 1 Absolute Oversized Slipcase Edition

Script by Brian K. Vaughan, art by Pia Guerra and Paul Chadwick. All illustrations are © Brian K. Vaughan, Pia Guerra and DC Comics. For a complete list of all books reviewed in this blog, please visit the index page.

This beautiful glossy oversized slipcase (8.5 x 12.8 inches, 21.5 x 32.5 cm) designed by Robin Brosterman with exclusive art cover by Massimo Carnevale, was published in July 2015 by DC Comics through its Vertigo label (ISBN: 978-1-4012-5429-2, cover price $125, my copy is a first print).

The main book inside has no dust jacket and features a black bookmark ribbon. It collects the Y The Last Man original series issues #1 to #20, printed on mat quality paper (almost 512 pages). One of the picture below is for size comparison with another Brian K. Vaughan series. The book is printed and bound in china.

the wraparound inner cover

binding and black bookmark ribbon

size comparison with a regular "floppy" comics

Second and third of cover display different backgrounds. After the credits pages, there is the table of content but no introduction (nor afterword).

All painted covers by J. G. Jones and Aron Wiesenfeld are included in their virgin form along the main material.

The book ends with a bonus section of 35 pages, with the complete script for issue #1 before revision (after the 9/11 terrorist attacks), and a 7 pages character designs section (plus a short bio of the authors).

Y The Last Man Absolute Oversized Slipcase Collection :

Go to vol 2 or vol 3


  1. WOW, beautiful stuff here. Thank you for showing us photos!

    I wonder if you will have plan to get Absolute Joker/Luthor, by Azzarello & Bermejo.

    1. Hi Dave and many thanks for the kind words. No, I don't plan to get this absolute. I try to list what I will buy (and then upload) on the forthcoming section of this blog. Absolute Y is an exception here as it is an unscheduled buy, and a shot in the dark. I like BKV's writing on Saga and Buffy but had never read Y.

  2. Very nice book!
    You're in for a phenomenal read, but I personally save my Absolute purchases when I like the art enough to have it in this big of a size, and Y: The Last Man isn't the case. If anything, the good news for me is that maybe the smaller hardcovers will now go for cheap in the second market.
    Looking forward to your awesome collection getting a decent shelf display in the future!

    1. Thank you, I am currently drawing plans for a new improved shelf display that can combined Artists Editions, Absolutes and Omnibuses. Don't know if it will look good, but at least I will be able to look at my books as a whole (and not from a screen ;)).


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