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Captain Britain Hardcover Omnibus Edition

Scrip Alan Moore, Jamie Delano et al (see credit page picture for full list), art by Alan Davis and Paul Nearie, all material is ©Marvel Comics.

This Omnibus was published in August 2009 by Marvel Comics in (11.2 x 7.5 inches or 28.5 x 9.5 cm, ISBN 978-0-7851-3760-3, 680 pages, cover price 99.99$). This book exists also, and with the same print run, with another cover for the dust jacket (ISBN 978-0-7851-3760-3771-9, see bonus section of this article). I don't own any of the original comics to display here for size comparison, anyway this is a regular Marvel Comics Omnibus size.

This omnibus designed by Spring Hoteling collects Marvel Super-Heroes #377-388, The Daredevils #1-11, The Mighty World of Marvel #7-16, Captain Britain #1-14, New Mutants Annual #2, X-Men Annual #11 and Captain America #305-306. Alan Moore is credited for Marvel Super-Heroes #377-388, The Daredevils #1-11, The Mighty World of Marvel #7-13. Second and third of cover are not illustrated.

full credits page
This edition opens with a detailed table of contents (3 pages) followed by three introductions, by Alan Davis dated 2001 (one page), by Alan Moore also dated 2001 (one page), and a not credited one page introduction to the character. Note that these introductions were originally published in the 2002 TPB.

The main material is reproduced here on thick white paper, and all the original covers are featured before each reprinted issues.

The final section of this omnibus displays almost 80 pages of extra material:

  • Alan Davis designs (6 pages)
  • original six-page version of Marvel Super-Heroes #377 (in B&W)
  • "A Short History of Britain" text written by Alan Moore for Marvel Super-Heroes #389 (3 pages)
  • Alan Davis inkwash tones by Alan Davis for Daredevil #1 (3 pages)
  • The Daredevils #1 unused cover and The Daredevils #4 script excerpt
  • The Daredevils #5, 7, 10 and 11 posters art by Alan Davis
  • Davis & Moore goodbye to editor Bernie jaye (from Daredevil #11) with a pin-up by Alan Davis (7th picture of this article)
  • Captain Britain bio from Captain Britain #11 and 12
  • Captain Britain #11 poster art by Alan Davis
  • Pin-up (Davis and Neary) and unused cover sketch (Davis)
  • B&W pin-ups by Aan Davis (supporting characters, various costumes)
  • Captain Britain #11-14 back up stories including a Grant Morrison text illustrated by John Strokes  (in B&W, 25 pages)
  • From Captain Britain 1989 TPB:  Alan Davis cover, Chris Claremont introduction (5 pages)
  • From X-Men Archives #1-7: Alan Davis spread covers + associated color guides (14 pages)
  • Virgin covers produced for this omnibus
  • Captain Britain 2002 TPB Alan Davis cover

alternative cover for this omnibus edition


  1. Wow thank you for sharing and what a great review. I'm a big fan of Alan Davis and Alan Moore (love their DR and Quinch series) but for me the 2 Alan's run on Captain Britain is probably my favorite comic story of all time. I actually have all of the original comics in my collection as well as the issues of Jamie Delano run on CB. I also have all the other collected editions and including this fantastic Captain Britain Marvel Omnibus although mine is still sealed so thank you for posting pictures of how it looks inside. Apparently the value of this CB Omnibus have gone crazy and saw a used one for sale for $830

    1. Thank you, my collection used to be stored in boxes so that blog was also a means to look at it!


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