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Elektra Lives Again Graphitti Designs Hardcover Signed Edition

 Script and art by Frank Miller, color art by Lynn Varley (© Epic Comics)

notice the overall crucifix shape

This limited hardcover edition was published in 1990 by Graphitti Designs (84 pages), while the regular hardcover edition  was published by Epic Comics. Both edition are very similar as they share the same overall presentation (hardcover book in a dust jacket), the same size (9.7 x 12.2 inches  or 24.5 x 31 cm), the same high quality mat thick paper, and almost the same content.

Below are pictures showing some small differences between the two editions' dust jacket (exactly the same back cover):

The credits page of the Graphitti Designs edition displays the ISBN #0-936211-27-X and the fact that this is a limited edition of 2500 printings bound in the USA (with a special thanks to Alison Gill), while that of the Epic Comics edition has a different ISBN #0-87135-738-0. However both books are produced by Graphitti Designs. My copies are also both first printings.

Below are picture of the Graphitti Designs book without its dust jacket, and a comparison with the Epic Comics edition (blank white back covers for both):

Both editions share the same second and third of cover, as well as the two presentation pages. The Graphitti Designs edition displays an additional page with a Sin Cityesque B&W illustration signed and numbered.

The material constituting the main story is of course identical for both editions, including Moebius' tribute at the end. It is in my opinion the most beautiful pieces of art produced by Miller & Varley.

the old lady in the right is a tribute to Lelong's 'Carmen Cru'

The Graphitti Designs edition displays 8 pages of bonus material (not included in the regular edition) introduced by Frank Miller and displaying samples of his work that never made into the finished story.

The page on the left is the last of the Epic Comics edition


  1. I am not too deep into comics, but ever since I read TDKR, many years ago, I have been taken by much of Miller's art, specifical his work with Varley. And from what I have seen of this book it really does look like the pinnacle of their work.

    I can only pray for some sort of reprint.

    1. I agree with you, it's the pinnacle of their work. I don't remember the regular epic edition being too hard to find at a very fair price on the second hand market (same size, same binding, same content except the bonus material)

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  3. Completely agree, this is the most beautiful Miller-Varley known to mankind


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