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Angel After The Fall Premiere Edition Vol 1

Plotted by Joss Whedon and Brian Lynch, scripted by Brian Lynch ('Gunn' co-written with Scott Tipton), art by Franco Urru, Tim Kane, David Messina, Stephen Mooney, John Byrne, Nick Runge, Fabio Mantovani, Kevin Schmidt, Mirco Pierfederici. All illustrations are ©Twentieth Century Fox and IDW.

Published in February 2011 by IDW Publishing, this heavy oversized book (12.8 x 8.5 inches or 33 x 22 cm) comes with a faux leather hardcover (see below) and a fully illustrated dust jacket (see above). Second and third of the inside hardcover shares the same illustration (this edition is designed by Neil Uyetake). ISBN: 978-1600108617, price cover 100$, around 420 pages. The regular size comics of 'Angel After the Wall #1' has been placed next to this Premiere edition for size comparison.

This edition collects Angel After The Fall series #1 to 17. After a full credits page the series is introduced by Brian Lynch (one page, dated December 14th 2010), and the main material is edited with chapter pages.

At the end, the book displays around twenty pages of additional material exclusively devoted to covers art.

Here is the detailed list of the reprinted covers (all virgin retailer incentive except #7 as noted)
#1 cover A (main cover of this edition) and B
#2 cover A
#3 cover A
#4 cover A
#5 cover A
#6 cover B
#7 time and space toys exclusive cover
#8 cover A
#9 cover A
#10 cover B
#11 cover A
#12 cover B
#13 cover A
#14 cover B
#15 cover B
#16 cover B
#17 cover A and wraparound cover B


  1. Holy crap that is amazing! Are these even reprinted anymore? Because I want one real bad.

  2. Don't know/think it has been reprinted and volume 2 was never scheduled in the four years that have followed. Have you tried the IDW shop?


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