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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Library Edition Tales

Script and art: see table of content below. All illustrations are ©Joss Whedon/20th Century Fox

This article deals with Dark Horse Buffy material published in oversized hardcover books ( 12.4 x 8.3 inches or 31.5 x 21 cm) on thick glossy paper, with a bookmark ribbon (see also the end of this article).

Here, we are talking about Tales published by Dark Horse in January 2011 (ISBN: 978-1-59582-644-2,, cover price 29.99$, 294 pages).
The book comes with a faux leather cover under a fully illustrated dust jacket and displays two different illustrations for second and third of cover.

There is a one page introduction by Scott Allie and a fully detailled table of content. The stories originate mostly from the Tales of the Slayers/Vampires comic books (to give an idea of the book size, it is compare with the original comic "Tales of the Vampire" below).

Most of the original virgin covers are reprinted here. The book displays many different arts from the usual suspects (Karl Moline, Cliff Richards) to the very unusual (below "Spot The Vampire" illustrated by Scott Morse) and this is one of the most interesting feature of this oversized edition.

The bonus section consists only in 3 pages virgin cover gallery.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Library Edition as of April 2016:

Got to Season 8 vol 1Season 8 vol 2Season 8 vol 3Season 8 vol 4Season 9 vol 1, Season 9 vol 2, Season 9 vol 3


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